Snap, Pluto! You've just been punk'd!
Pauvre Pluto. First the poor thing was the smallest planet, the farthest one from the sun, the coldest one, the one with the biggest orbit. And now it isn't even a planet? has just reported that a whole bunch of snooty scientists got together and decided to talk about Pluto behind its back, and now they have recalled its planetary status. For the first time in 76 years there are again only eight planets in our solar system.
OUCH. What a bitchslap. Since 1930 when we first glimpsed Pluto we have lovingly taken it in as one of our own and now suddenly we have dropped it like day old bread. It's like a galaxy wide Punk'd. (Haha let it think it is a planet for 76 years and then rip the carpet out from under its feet!) Pluto deserves more than this, I know it and so do you.
Not only that but the third graders will be mighty confused next year when they all fail science class because they keep getting the names of the planets wrong. Anybody here remember MVEMJSUNP (pronounced Meh-vem-shunp) [a classic episode of saved by the bell, if you recall, had Screech using this infamous acronym to help Zach remember the order of the planets starting with the closest to the sun for a TV student quiz show] ? So what now? Just MVEMJSUN? It just ain't the same!!
And yes, I know Pluto isn't like the rest of the planets, but come on people, do we really have to discriminate against it so much we need to humiliate and demote it? Yes, perhaps it is tiny and its orbit is an oval not a circle like the other planets, but variety is the spice of life, n'est-ce pas?
Check out the article here at And you be the judge.
For me their only two more things to say:
1) For shame, scientist people, For shame.
And 2)
Forever in our solar system...
Forever in our hearts
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