Mon Boulot
(My Job)
So I started work at the lycee on Monday and it went rather well. I work only Monday afternoons, Thursday mornings, and Friday afternoons (and wednesday mornings every other week). It's really not that bad, although it was a bit intimidating the first day.
The profs just had me introduce my self briefly and then had the class ask me questions. The first class I was in, was a class called DEA. I don't remember what that means exactly, but it is an advanced group of English students who take an extra 2 hours of English per week: a conversation class (the one I help in) and a math class (in which I would not be any help). Only really the girls spoke (they really outnumbered the boys, so it might be better in small groups, I hope). They were cute and really got into asking me questions about myself and where I live. Then we got into films and tv shows, and actors. The girls were all obsessing about One Tree Hill, Zac Efron, and Robair Patteenzon ('E eez zo buteeful!!) Apparently French 15 year old girls are very similar to American 15 year old girls. And I was very pleased to learn some of the goth girls love Dollhouse (Ah, my people). It was very interesting.
The second class was a bit more subdued. These were also Secondes (10th graders), but this was a regular English class. I recognized a few faces from the DEA class in there as well (which is a bit awkward, because I might be having them twice a day in small groups too). The intimidating part was that in the second class there were 40 students. Apparently English is obligatoire at this particular lycee. But it went pretty well and I'm excite dto speak w/ them more in smaller groups and play some games and show them that English is fun.
And interesting tidbit- Have you heard that English is the hardest language to learn? I have, because there really aren't rules that are enforced and such. Anyways, they told me that French is the hardest language to learn. Maybe it's just a myth perpetuated by every culture that their language is the hardest to learn. Just thought that was funny.
Another bit of news. I will be moving into that apartment w/ the 2 American girls in Bourgoin-Jallieu. I just found out last night and I am figuring out how to transfer all my sh*t there. I might go there w/ some today since Astrid wants to do some shopping and then bring the rest tomorrow night after work and sign the lease then and get the keys. I am very excited to be done living out of a suitcase, it has been a cauchemar (nightmare). I can't find anything in the massive pile of clothes sitting in my humongous suitcase. Seriousfully, il est un bordel (slang: it's a mess).
Anyways, I better go. I will write again soon hopefully.
Love you all!!
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