Linnea is the New Pink

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Movin' On Up!

It's that time of year when all us college students pack up and leave home for campus once again. I am the youngest child in my family; I have an older brother and sister and I guess before these past few years I just didn't realize how much work it is to pack for school.
A friend of mine has summed it up very well in his 'facebook status': "Jesse is: positive that packing could have been a punishment from Greek mythology". I'm right there with him. Tomorrow morning at 6am I will be pulling out of my driveway, on my way to Sioux Falls, SD (that's South Dakota to that one person who doesn't know what SD is and is completely clueless (you know who you are and you know I love you anyways :P) ) where I go to school. (It is a four hour drive from here, but fear not I will have lots of music to keep me company.) I have been packing all week and I am such a procrastinator that although I have been packing all week I hadn't actually done anything until yesterday. Hell if it weren't for my parents riding my ass, I may not have even started yet. And I have to tell you, even if I wasn't a card carrying member of the procrastinator's club (don't worry, you can join later) packing would still be a pain in my ass because it's really hard(in whiny voice).
First off, if this is say your second year of school, like me, you have to go through all the useless shit you brought back from last year. OMG, I am such a packrat!! (stupid, stupid). Then you have to shopping for all the new shit you need, which takes forever because you always forget the important things so you end up going to target about 50 times in two days. The worst part about packing is you have to figure out how to put weird shaped objects into bins (so they are easy to carry up four flights of stairs to your room) and then into the van. It's like a 3D, reallife game of Tetris. I suck at Tetris. I am so NOT a 'big picture' person. My friends know this well. (My BFF, Dani, knows this the best because we used to try to play Chess and she always kicked my ass because I didn't have a plan and I couldn't watch all the pieces and it was horrible. Dani on the other hand just knew what she was doing and what she was going to do ten moves in advance. it was sick.)
So frankly I'm spent. I am going to sit back and watch Project Runway (yay Kayne! I <3 you!) and maybe eat a cookie. See you all on the flipside in SD.
And those of you who are travellin' like me, be safe. Drive well, drink caffeine, and buckle up! I'm outta here!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Snap, Pluto! You've just been punk'd!

Pauvre Pluto. First the poor thing was the smallest planet, the farthest one from the sun, the coldest one, the one with the biggest orbit. And now it isn't even a planet? has just reported that a whole bunch of snooty scientists got together and decided to talk about Pluto behind its back, and now they have recalled its planetary status. For the first time in 76 years there are again only eight planets in our solar system.
OUCH. What a bitchslap. Since 1930 when we first glimpsed Pluto we have lovingly taken it in as one of our own and now suddenly we have dropped it like day old bread. It's like a galaxy wide Punk'd. (Haha let it think it is a planet for 76 years and then rip the carpet out from under its feet!) Pluto deserves more than this, I know it and so do you.
Not only that but the third graders will be mighty confused next year when they all fail science class because they keep getting the names of the planets wrong. Anybody here remember MVEMJSUNP (pronounced Meh-vem-shunp) [a classic episode of saved by the bell, if you recall, had Screech using this infamous acronym to help Zach remember the order of the planets starting with the closest to the sun for a TV student quiz show] ? So what now? Just MVEMJSUN? It just ain't the same!!
And yes, I know Pluto isn't like the rest of the planets, but come on people, do we really have to discriminate against it so much we need to humiliate and demote it? Yes, perhaps it is tiny and its orbit is an oval not a circle like the other planets, but variety is the spice of life, n'est-ce pas?
Check out the article here at And you be the judge.
For me their only two more things to say:
1) For shame, scientist people, For shame.
And 2)

Forever in our solar system...
Forever in our hearts

Friday, August 18, 2006

My name is john mayer and I'm lazy cuz I'm "waiting on the world to change"

God, this song bugs me. If you haven't heard it, you're lucky. It's a new one from John Mayer and it's on the radio constantly.
The lyrics consist of halfassed explanations of what he hates about the world and his reaction to his anger (his reaction being the chorus: "We keep on waiting/waiting on the world to change"). As he says, "It's hard to beat the system/ when we're standing at a distance/so we keep on waiting/ waiting on the world to change". Awww, life is just rough isn't it Mr. Mayer? You heard it here, kiddies, when life gets tough, the tough get ... well actually we don't know what tough people do, but all of us wussies get waiting for the world to change. If at first you try a little tiny bit, give up immediately...or something like that. I think you get the gist, after all I'm just paraphrasing here.
John, if you hate how the world is, change it yourself. It's people like this that piss me off so much. People who just bitch and complain about shit, but who aren't willing to actually fix it. Yeah, John while you are waiting for the world to catch up to you, other motivated people are actually trying to accomplish stuff. If you aren't willing to change your life why the hell are you complaining? I had this same beef with a former sociology professor of mine. He had us studying America's out of control consumerism and how bad it is for the environment. Then he tells us how much his new sailboat cost (it's a forty footer!) and how he spent $400 on a toy from radio shack for his kids that they don't even like. And he is trying to teach me how America needs to change its 'evil ways' while he is spending $8 a day on lattes!! (And we had a lecture on america's dependency on foreign oil and gas prices and shit and he drives an effin' SUV = HYPOCRITE) [a side note, if you are asking yourself what any of this has to do with sociology, I did ask that and I never found out]
So yeah John Mayer thanks to your lazy ass, all the lemmings who actually care what celebrities and singers think about politics and the world at large are going to start thinking, yeah maybe I should wait for the world to change. DUH, people like you are the reason that half of america doesn't vote for its next president. Mr. Mayer says it himself, "One day our generation/ is gonna rule the population" but if they take the hint from him, we will still be waiting, waiting for... Well gosh, he didn't actually tell us what to wait for. Oh well, we'll just wait for a new John Mayer single to tell us what to do next since this one was so chock full of good advice for young poeple everywhere.
For shame, John Mayer, For Shame. (whoa deja vu)