I was so Convinced Joey Fatone was the Gay One
So it's official... those of us who said NSYNC was gay back in the day were at least one-fifth right. OK, I don't know how I feel about this outing. Lance Bass gave an exclusive interview to People magazine this past week about how he's gay and how he didn't want to come out in the nineties when NSYNC was popular because he was afraid it would negatively impact NSYNC's success. Frankly I don't really care about Lance Bass, I never liked NSYNC. In fact, I hated them. But now I have less respect for them than ever. He waited until we had all but forgotten who the hell he was to finally come out. So now that he's a has-been, it's ok for him to be gay? It almost seems like he's using his homosexuality to regain fame (as if being in a boy band is fame :P. as if being gay is fame :P ). I mean, this is the first time I've heard his name since that NASA fiasco several years ago. Maybe he isn't gay, it's possible he's just trying to get fifteen more minutes in the limelight.
My main beef with this whole thing is his being ashamed of it while in NSYNC. If he had any self-respect he would have come out when he was popular, so he could be a role-model for impressionable youngsters. I know there probs would've been some negative stigma but still I know it would have been positive for those kids who also struggled with coming out during that time. I know boy band members weren't as they appeared (Nick Carter arrested in a strip club; Justin Timberlake's 'wardrobe malfunction'; AJ what's-his-name's stint in rehab for drugs), but refusing to reveal this is a big deal. And now the rest of the NSYNC guys are all like "He took years to really think about how he was going to tell everyone." (Joey Fatone said this to People magazine.) Why didn't they try to reassure him or convince him it would be ok to come clean? Or did they convince him to stay mum?
For shame, NSYNC, for shame.